Monday, December 29, 2008
Don't try this at home...

Saturday, December 27, 2008
The Way of the Master Radio Podcasts

The Way of the Master Radio Podcast
d [at] dtcain.com.
Friday, December 26, 2008
"If you're gay I don't see why that automatically sends you to Hell."
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Merry Christmas!
Well, Emilio and I ended up sending Christmas cards after all. Thank you for submitting your ideas of what you do for cards each year. Many of your comments were helpful.
Below is what we put on the back of our cards.
Dear Family and Friends,
We want to thank God for all the incredible blessings He has given us, most importantly the love of God, family and friends. If you have received this today, know that we love you very much and we pray that 2008 has been a great year for you and that in 2009 you will serve God with all of your heart. It may be that there are some out there who receive our cards year after year who might not know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior and Lord and we want to encourage you this Christmas season, to consider the most important thing in life--knowing God personally through having a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ who died on the cross for our sins and rose again from the dead to give all those, who sincerely repent of their sins and place their faith in Him, eternal life. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son so that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life" (John 3:16). "Truly these times of ignorance God has overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent" (Acts 17:30). "But God demonstrates His own love towards us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us" (Romans 5:8). We are thankful for each of your lives and we love you all so very much! Merry Christmas!
Emilio and Trisha Ramos
Monday, December 22, 2008
Sunday, December 21, 2008
You've got to see this clip from a well-known atheist after he is handed a Bible
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Enter to Win a FREE set of The Way of the Master Season 3 Television Program

I am excited to give away The Way of the Master Season 3 to one of you...and I can guarantee that you will enjoy it as much as I have. When Emilio and I received our set, I think we watched every episode in a total of three days!
The Way of the Master Season 3 was filmed in high definition (for broadcast only), was two years in the making and incorporates special effects and sequences that range from sky-diving to bank robbery to jumping from a crashing plane.
Kirk Cameron and Ray Comfort are blown up, have a dramatic shootout, are chased by police, use hidden cameras, and, among other things, report from a war zone. But it's not only entertaining. It covers very diverse subjects such as Hollywood's influence on the world, how to reach Mormons and Jehovah's Witnesses, how to know God's will for your life, and why Christianity is unique. And you'll be encouraged by insightful interviews with experts such as the late Dr. D. James Kennedy, R. C. Sproul, Joni Eareckson Tada, Ravi Zacharias, and James White.
Here's a few frequently asked questions about The Way of the Master Season 3:
What's the retail price? $99.00
How many episodes, total running time? There are 13 episodes at 27 minutes 45 seconds each--just over six hours in total
How many discs? 7 DVD discs total
Here are the titles of each episode:
· Program #27: Battle for the Lost
· Program #28: Where Has the Passion Gone?
· Program #29: Joe Average
· Program #30: Caught in a Lie
· Program #31: The Divine Butler
· Program #32: Why Christianity?
· Program #33: Jehovah's Witness
· Program #34: Mormonism
· Program #35: Are you a Genius?
· Program #36: Last Words of the Rich and Famous
· Program #37: How to Find God's Will
· Program #38: What Scares You?
· Program #39: Hollywood Be Thy Name
Look what an atheist has to say about one of the episodes:
"I saw the episode and I want to congratulate you on a job well done . . . you had some very powerful moments in the episode, like when that woman cried. I was moved. Good job, and I'll definitely watch the next one as well." Kaitlyn (an atheist)
To Enter the Drawing to Win the entire Third Season of "The Way of the Master" Television Series, Here's What You Should Do: Leave a comment below with your name and some way for me to contact you if you win--email or blog link is fine (as long as there's an email address attached to the blog link). If you aren't able to leave a comment send your entry to email [at] fishwithtrish.com. Comments will be opened through Dec 31st and we will announce the winner on Jan 1st 2009. Open to U.S. residents only.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Wretched Radio and Extreme Home Makeover--The Video
15,000th person is...
Congrats to Mattey for winning an autographed copy of "The Love Dare"!
Friday, December 12, 2008
Extreme Home Makeover in Keller, TX (Update)
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is in Keller, TX and you know what that means...

Monday, December 8, 2008
Support Living Waters this Christmas...
I just placed an order online through GoodShop for a couple books that I've been wanting and a portion of the sale will be given to Living Waters -- and it didn't cost me anything to do this.
Here's what you can do:
1. Figure out whatever it is you want to buy
2. Go to GoodShop (http://www.goodsearch.com/goodshop.aspx) powered by Yahoo.com
3. In the "Who do you shop for?" box. Type in "Living Waters" and make sure it is (Bellflower, CA) ID: 863011.
4. Use GoodShop to navigate back to the item you wanted to buy... and buy it.
5. Living Waters will receive a small portion of the sale... but it doesn't cost you anything extra. Thank you for supporting the ministry in this way!
Friday, December 5, 2008
Yesterday was a great day on "Wretched Radio"
Both Sierra and James were completely willing to repent and trust in the Lord. Watch this (you might have to turn the volume on the first portion up a bit) But Sierra really touched me...she said, "I think I need a new heart."
You can listen to both segments on Wretched Radio
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
What do you do for Christmas Cards?

2006 Christmas Photo in California (we wrapped Baby up in decor for that shot)...

This is a photo of the front portion of our Christmas Card 2007
(our first year in Texas)...we took the photo at
a friends house...Baby got left out of this one.
Here's what I typically do for my cards...I go online to the
Walmart Print Center and choose a card
(I make sure it says "Merry Christmas" and NOT "Happy Holidays"),
I then add the photo of my choice, place my order and
pick them up a few day's later. Pretty simple...
and they only cost .33 cents each.
After I pick up the cards, I type up a message to my family and friends
on my computer (which includes the gospel), print it out then
glue it on the back of the photo, like this... But this year I really haven't been in the mood.
Maybe it's because Emilio and I tried taking
a photo the other night and Baby wasn't behaving.
First, I tried to grab her but she's pretty heavy maybe over 40 lbs...
I tried to get a good grip on her leg but she doesn't
look very comfortable--wouldn't make for a good card...
She looks like she ready to make the escape on this one...poor thing. :-)
This wasn't going to make it on our Christmas cards for 08'...
I typically like to have my Christmas Cards mailed out by now. So with all that said, I'm sort of behind on things. And I'd like to hear from you...
Do you include a Gospel message? If so, what do you say?
Do you give out Christmas Cards?
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Wretched Radio