"So what do you think happens to you after you die Margaret?" I inquired. I was trying to see if she would be a good candidate for The Way of the Master Radio last Thursday. "Well, I am a Buddhist, so I believe in reincarnation." She responded. "So, what will you come back as in the next life?" I questioned. "Um...I haven't done anything
that bad and I've been a pretty good person...so I would come back as another person." She explained.
"Would you like to share that on the radio?" I asked. "Sure."
While on the program, Ray Comfort held up the mirror of the 10 commandments so that Margaret could see herself according to God not according to man.
Here is what she said afterwards, "I think he wanted me to believe like him, but I am still going to be a Buddhist."
I explained to her that it wasn't necessary what Ray "wanted" but that Ray was compelled and charged by Scripture to tell her the truth. She listened. "Do you have a bible?" I inquired. "No." She admitted. "Have you ever read the bible?" I asked. "No, not at all...well I read parts of it in school...I think...during history class or something. The bible is always talked about in the books." She explained.
My encounter with Margaret was a reminder that just because I live in the bible belt I can't assume that everyone has a bible and knows what it says.
"Margaret, Jesus made claims that set him apart from every other world religion leader. Did you know that?" I questioned. "No." She said shyly. "He said that He was the way and the truth and the life and that no one could come to the Father but by him. You see, if you don't have Jesus atoning for your sins you will be in deep trouble on Judgment Day. Please consider this." She listened.
While I was sharing with Margaret
Cameron Buettel, a friend from Denmark, was witnessing to Margaret's friends who claimed to be Christians. Margaret and I walked over to them and one of girls took one look at Margaret, then burst into tears, covered her face, and ran off to the bathroom inside the mall. I was shocked and so was Margaret! We both stood utterly still.
I asked Cameron, "What happened...why is she crying?" "Margaret's friend is crying because she doesn't want her to go to Hell. She saw that if Margaret died in her sins without Christ she would go to Hell and her friend didn't want that to happen to her."
If you would like to listen to the full segment it starts about 40 minutes into Hour 1. Listen