I arrived back in the States just over two weeks ago, from traveling Europe. I had the wonderful opportunity to join Ray Comfort and The Way of the Master film crew as we traveled to 13 Countries in 13 days to film 13 episodes all for the Award-Winning television series called, The Way of the Master Season 4! What an amazing adventure!
If you'd like please visit www.fourthseason.blogspot.com to see photos and read journal entries from our filming efforts in Europe. We had a blast!
Also, I would like to officially welcome you to the Fish with Trish (FWT) website. It's called www.fishwithtrish.com. Thank you for your patience as the FWT design team continues to work on the site. Here you will be able to view daily/weekly updates on the home page as well as obtain information on how to set up an interview for The Way of the Master Radio and booking information on how to schedule a speaking engagement. Don't forget to visit the photo gallery and Sovereign Joy audio section where you can listen to the teaching ministry of my husband Emilio Ramos. You can also find all the information needed to set up a free One Day Seminar which will equip you and your church to share the Gospel, biblically, the way Jesus did.
You might be interested to know that The Way of the Master Radio is now being heard on over 150 radio stations in the United States. I have been on this program for about a year and a half now and I am honored to be a part of all that God is doing. Visit www.wayofthemasterradio.com to podcast or listen live Monday thru Friday!
The Way of the Master Radio can be heard on SIRIUS satellite radio.
Channel 161
Monday through Friday
3PM to 5PM EST
2PM to 4PM CST
1PM to 3PM MST
12PM to 2PM PST
Finally, if you would like to be signed up for the Fish with Trish monthly newsletter click on this link http://www.fishwithtrish.com/join.html and subscribe. Blessings to you!