If you are interested in attending, click HERE for details!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
3 jam packed days in California --Ambassadors' Academy #5
If you are interested in attending, click HERE for details!
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Why not do this on your own?...

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
"I'm in the middle between being a Christian and a Catholic"...
"I go to Saint Patricks Cathedral a Catholic church
but I've been wanting to leave the Catholic faith
because I've been struggling through some of their beliefs...
so right now I'm in the middle between being a
Christian and a Catholic."
I had a guest join me from McKinney, TX.
Paige (below and right) listens to The Way of the Master Radio daily
and heard that I lived in area.
We had met briefly once before at Transformed in Dallas...
So she emailed me and we met at the mall really
for what seemed like the first time.
We hit it off right away. She and her husband own a
wonderful sub shop called New York Sub-Hub
and she took a break from a busy day at work
to drive over an hour just to join me for phone fishing.
We had a blast together! Paige helped to follow-up with Victoria
and did a wonderfully thorough job.
We made sure to communicate with Victoria the
seriousness of violating the commandments of God and
how she could be forgiven only by
repenting and putting her faith in Christ.

To listen to the broadcast you can click on August 21, 2008 - Hour 1
it starts about 40 minutes into the program.
Friday, August 22, 2008
I wanna rap for you...
If you didn't get to listen to the program.
You can listen here: August 21, 2008 - Hour 2
it starts at the 20 min. mark.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Don't Miss the ONE DAY EVANGELISM SEMINAR this Saturday in Dallas/Fort Worth!
This course is designed to give you a clear understanding of biblical evangelism which results in a compassion that swallows fear and equips you to be effective in everyday life. It's designed to move you from passive to passionate in just ONE day.
If you live in or near the Dallas/Fort Worth area you don't want to miss this FREE event...at the meeting place of Sovereign Joy Community Church in Keller, TX this Saturday from Noon-3PM. The seminar will take place in the Café. At 3PM, when the seminar concludes, there will be an opportunity to hit the streets for one hour to share our faith with the lost.
For more information click HERE: For directions click HERE:
The "One Day Seminar" changed my life forever! It is something that every Christian should be exposed to! Kim (Dallas, TX)
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
News you don't want to miss--Todd Bentley is stepping down...

The announcement from the board of directors acknowledged that Bentley had an "unhealthy relationship" on an emotional level with the female staff member. Bentley is best known for leading a series of public meetings in Florida since April that have attracted around 300,000 people to churches and a baseball stadium.
The Canadian evangelist will also cease all public meetings, including a 38-city stadium tour of U.S. cities.
In a recent article in Charisma magazine on the meetings, editor Lee Grady said many of those who defended Bentley displayed a "lack of discernment," in part because of a "raw zeal for God."
Grady also pointed out that Bentley had serious credibility issues from the beginning of the meetings, claiming to have talked to an angel in his hotel room, and bragging about tackling a man and knocking his tooth out during prayer.
"Many of us would rather watch a noisy demonstration of miracles, signs, and wonders than have a quiet Bible study," the Christian journalist wrote. "Our adolescent craving for the wild and crazy makes us do stupid things. It's way past time for us to grow up."
Grady also criticized GodTV for telling people that any criticism of Bentley was "demonic." GodTV carried the Lakeland meetings live every night.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Enter to Win a FREE a DVD copy of "Open Air Preaching 4-in-1"

- How To Preach Open Air
Friday, August 15, 2008
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
I guess Ray Comfort's Million Dollar Bill Tract has been virtually everywhere...
Sunday, August 10, 2008
"It's a movie about smoking pot." He added.
"So what movie are going to see?" I inquired.
"Pineapple Express." He answered.
I had no idea what the film was about so he filled me in,
"It's a movie about smoking pot." He added.
"Interesting." I said out loud.
That was my second clue that he wasn't a Christian.
Naturally, I asked him if he wanted to be on the radio.
"Sure!" He responded immediately.

We gave him tracts and our contact information.

I decided to look up the movie "Pineapple Express" online when I got home. I went to The Dove Foundation which provides helpful reviews on movies...and as I suspected the film contains blaspheme and numerous accounts of foul language. Look for yourself at the
Language content: F-133; S-47; B-4; GD-2; JC-2; J-1; A-17; H-6...
Someone who has been born again will not delight in a movie where the entire film is centered on two characters that smoke pot night and day and then find themselves getting into endless trouble. For the Christian, we have been delivered from darkness but now we are light in the Lord and we are to walk as children of the light (Eph. 5:8). Seeing a film of this nature is definitely not fitting for a Christian.
I have made a personal commitment to not see any films that have blasphemy in them. You can too by visiting HollywoodandGod.com to find a list of recent contemporary movies that contain blasphemy, and a link to the producers. Then send Hollywood a message. Email them and say, “Your movie contains blasphemy. Don’t look for my money at the box office.” This was Ray Comfort's idea and Brad Snow designed the website. It's updated regularly and no doubt Pineapple Express will be added to the list soon.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
The youth I've been taking with me for phone fishing...
Not all of them are photographed but here's a couple

Meet Brianna. She was with me last week for the
Homosexual Muslim encounter and was a real trooper.
I thought she'd be turned off from coming with me again....
but immediately when we got in the car to head back home
she said, "Trish, can I come with you next week?".
Even the cab driver was listening to the program...

Brittany found a lot of delight in each gospel tract.

blaring inside the cab-- even after she was off the air.

Monday, August 4, 2008
Enter to Win a FREE copy of "God Doesn't Believe in Atheists"
Here is what to do: Leave a comment below with your name and some way for me to contact you if you win (email or blog link is fine). Comments will be opened through next Monday and a winner will be randomly chosen next Tuesday. Open to U.S. residents only.