God Doesn't Believe in Atheists, written by Ray Comfort, teaches you that it is possible to prove that the Bible is supernatural in origin. Ray Comfort points out Scriptures that are filled with medical and scientific facts written thousands of years before man discovered them, showing that the Bible has the fingerprint of God all over it. This publication shows the atheist that he doesn't exist, reveals the true motives of the agnostic, and strengthens the faith of the believer.
Here is what to do: Leave a comment below with your name and some way for me to contact you if you win (email or blog link is fine). Comments will be opened through next Monday and a winner will be randomly chosen next Tuesday. Open to U.S. residents only.
"Comfort speaks lovingly, yet with fire. His logic is superb and he appeals to common sense, reason and the human conscience. This is the book that had American Atheists national spokesman Ron Barrier running scared. I highly recommend it as an apologetic to give to unsaved persons, or for Christians who want to know how to witness to atheists more effectively." Anonymous
StephaniesHusband _AT_ gmail _DOT_ com (do the deal to the address above).
Julio: chafish@gmail.com
As a comment I would like add that God placed this precious people in a ministry that has changed my life. I thank God for you guys, I really mean it. I mean to say I love you in Christ and God bless your heart for the passion of reaching the lost. These teachings uploaded the missing information to my brain, I've found the way to the Master and now I am using it to reach them too. Thank you again.
My wife and I love your blog.
I heard this is a great book to give to Atheist.
Anything that Ray Comfort writes is great!
are there any other books with apolegetics defending scripture by ray?
Hi on_petra, if you haven't read The School of Biblical Evangelism it's really good! With 101 lessons on subjects ranging from basic Christian doctrines, false conversions to proving the deity of Jesus, this book equips you to answer questions as you witness. It helps you to prove the authenticity of the Bible, provide ample evidence for creation, refute the claims of evolution, and understand the beliefs of those in cults and other religions.
Please count me in for the drawing! ~ :) Thanks!
Pray for an opportunity to share the gospel during morning quiet time- I pray each morning that God will lead me to the right people to share the Gospel. Last Thursday I was listening to WOTM in my car during lunch. A group of 15-20 high school kids surrounded my car. Two kids about 18 years old started to fight each other in the middle of the parking lot of the strip mall I was in. What was I going to do...listen to WOTM or stop a fight? I grabbed a big bunch of tracts and separated the two "boxers". I told them that I'd give them both one million dollars if they'd stop fighting and get on the sidewalk. They followed me to the sidewalk and I gave them the "money". I then told the rest of the crowed that I'd I had a million and one dollars (that's all I had) if someone could pass the good person test. I found a willing partcipant and asked him if he'd ever told a lie... After sharing the Gospel, one kid came to my car and wanted to learn more. I told him to go home and pray through Psalm 51 and confess his sins to God. Thanks, WOTM
Well, I'm more or less an atheist, so I want to see if this book is good enough to convert me. Email is in my profile.
I'm getting excited about street evangelism through your blog, Ray's and Tony's. I am looking forward to getting out there for some one on ones and maybe soon, some preaching.
Shawn kd7ujr@yahoo.com
Sounds good. My email is gritsrus at gmail dot com
Oo, pick me. I could use a good laugh.
Values, purpose, and meaning do not necessitate outside agency. Like everyone else, atheists make our own values. You're perfectly capable of finding values on your own. You've been doing it your whole life. The universe didn't have you in mind, nor does it care whether you've worn mixed fabrics or who you've slept with or even if you've killed somebody. Only we care about that because we have brains capable of feeling empathy for those who are suffering and we can identify with them. Like the rest of us living on this pale blue dot in a random galaxy amongst billions and billions of other galaxies, in the grand scheme of the universe, you're not that important. The universe doesn't owe you anything, nor will it miss you when you're gone. The sooner you accept this reality, the sooner you'll realize that you're perfectly capable of being happy and living a happy life without buying into the deluded magical thinking of ancient primitives with no greater understanding of the universe than the rest of us.
Pick me! Pick me! :)
Thanks again Trish for your ministry.
living4god (at) southlandbible (dot) org.
Count me in.
Looks like an interesting book! I'd love to win it~
Thanks for your ministry Trish. Also I invited you as a facebook friend. If your facebook is for family and close friends only, that's OK. I just searched your name and clicked "Add as friend". My email is sanmiguel^1701^@yahoo^.com (remove the ^'s) I'm all about winning stuff, especially one of Ray's 6,544 books that he's written. 6,545...6,546...
Count me in too please! :)
Hey Trish, Great give away, I've been wanting this book for a while now.
I love your blog and Way of the Master Radio Segments. You always seem to have the most interesting witnessing encounters. I listen to the podcasts at work. Anyway, Here is my info.
Road Ten:Nine
Jeff Creeach: jeff@shekinah-arts.com
Jeff Creeach: jeff@shekinah-arts.com
I need to read everything before I post a comment. Oops!
Marli Creeach: marli@shekinah-arts.com
God bless you!
I need a name that rhymes with my name, Trish. Please help.
Fish with Trish.
_____ with Jason
Jason that's hilarious...how about...
Prayin' with Jason
(you could have a prayer ministry for the lost) :-) HA!
I wouldlove to win that book, hence i read alot of books:
From Douglas TowneII 603-706-2081
I would absolutely LOVE a copy of this book!!! j.reed02@yahoo.com
Any comments,
Jason Shoots
3695 Glade Ave
Douglasville,Georgia 30135
God bless you for your ministry.
Mr. Comfort is a man overflowing with wisdom...may he continue to preach the Law without fear.
Mr. Comfort is a man overflowing with knowledge. Without this book...I would not have this knowledge.
Trish- This is a great idea. I have been an evolutionist in the past. Evolution belief is not without terrible consequences. It gets into peoples way - they can excuse God away - or pretend the bible is in error about the creation. Over our history man has worked many atrocities against man in the name of evolution. It creates a desire to control population, and population outcomes from the right people. It shows up in programs like forced sterilization also called social justice. Yes, even the U.S. practiced this through the IHS (indian social medicine) as recent as the late 1970's. It is practiced all over the world - consequences to the belief of evolution. No I haven't read this book yet, would love it - but most of all thank You for having the give away to get the word out.
What an interesting sounding book!
YAY!!! Pick me, pick me!!! :D
please enter me
Love the site
That monkey looks like a relative of mine.
Pick me!
Darrin: darrinb@hotmail.com
I just love the title of the book!
The Title is interesting I would love to read this.
Certainly sounds interesting
Hope Im not too late!
not late at all...the drawing is open today and the winner will be announced tomorrow. :-)
Hi Trish! I love your smile. It shows the joy that only comes from salvation through Jesus Christ. It's sad to see the anger, sarcasm and bitterness that comes out of atheists. It shows me harm that the evil one can do to the life of one who's soul is not protected by the seal of the Holy Spirit. I hope that whoever wins Ray Comfort's book will use it to bring many atheists to the foot of the cross, where they can lay down their heavy burdens. God bless you and your ministry!
Gigi rowdytown.net at gmail dot com
Lester Diaz
I want that book! LOL! Hi Trish, we luv you in New York Sister!!
Congrats Lester...for winning the book.
To everyone else who entered...thanks for your support and all of your kind comments...It really means a lot to know that you're being encouraged through this blog. I look forward to our next free give-a-way starting on Monday.
Praise God I have never won anything before!! God is Awesome, and I will definitely enjoy the book!
Thanks Trish!
Lester, you're the second person on my blog who won something for the very first time! Glad I could be a blessing to you :-)
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