Wednesday, May 2, 2012

An email that came in to Living Waters and Fish With Trish (adorable baby)

TO:  Ray:

Hello Ray/Trish

First I want to thanks for your restless efforts against abortion - I visit your websites daily and im always amazed at all your efforts on not only getting the Gospel message out, but especially your anti-abortion efforts.
I saw and shared the 180 movie thanks to your websites.

I wanted to share with you an attached picture of a newlyborn baby, who has joined our family, thanks to the wise choice of the mother giving the baby up for adoption instead of selecting abortion. Im hoping that you can put on your website for your viewers to see, as an example of another baby that was spared and now lives thanks to the mother rejecting abortion.



Unknown said...

Gujjus Thoughts :

Just Us! Gary, Jen, Lilly and Owen said...

Amen! Praise the Lord! It takes so much courage for the birth mother to make a choice of life. God bless her and praying for the family of this sweet baby. Grow strong in Jesus sweet baby!
Colorado Springs

sinnerbybirthsavedbygrace said...

Keep up the Good work brothers and sisters. May God continue to use you for His precious glory. Love you all.