If you're not familiar with the film it's full of adventure as you journey to the Galapagos Islands with Doug Phillips and his 16-year-old son Joshua Phillips, plus Dr. John Morris as they reveal Darwin's errors and prove that the creatures on this remote island chain actually support the biblical creation account. This is a film for the whole family. It's a beautifully filmed documentary featuring white-tip sharks, lava fields, salt-spitting marine iguanas, flightless cormorants, and much more. 90 minutes.
Here's what to do to win:
There will be 1 winner!
There are 2 Ways to enter your name in the drawing...
1. For 2 entries, post this give away on your website, blog, or social networking site.
2. For 1 entry, simply enter your name below (in the comment section) and a way for me to contact you if you win.
Contest ends Monday, Aug 16 2010. Open to US residents only.
I will randomly pick 1 name and the winner will be announced on Tuesday, Aug 17, 2010!
If you don't win and would like a copy there are a few places you can purchase "The Mysterious Islands DVD" you can do so here: Vision Forum
I've heard great things about this DVD!
Sign me up! I'd love to watch this DVD. Thanks. Jason
I LOVE this dvd! I watched it with my churh family one time! brandybfultz@yahoo.com
great dvd! jeremyfultz@yahoo.com
I'd LOVE to have this one! Count me in twice as I am reposting this on my Facebook status as well! Thanks Trish for all that you do! God Bless you my sister!
Count me in!
Jason Karroll, true_revival at yahoo dot com. Look forward to winning ;) I am posting this on my facebook page as well.
Please enter me! Thanks!
Oh how cool! I've really been wanting to watch this. I also posted about your giveaway at my blog. You can contact me there.
Thank you so much!
I would love to see this. Thanks for your generosity.
Posted it on Facebook
I keep seeing this video advertised and would love to see it! Thanks and God bless you Trish!
My b-day is August 31st. It would be a great gift!
This video has been talked about a lot. I would love to see it.
The deception tag was subtle, but appropriate. Clever, Trish.
I'd love to see it! Sign me up. Thanks.
Thanks for doing this Trish! charlenewitek@yahoo.com
treego14 [at] gmail {dot} com
Count me in twice because I reposted this on my blog. God bless you Trish!
"Open to US residents only"
Foiled again!
This looks like a great one to watch. I have many books by Dr. John Morris
Posting on my blog.
Looks like a great DVD to watch. I've got a collection of Dr. John Morris books. If I don't win I'll have to buy it.
Whoops Sorry I added my blog link on my last comment. Didn't read the rules. :-)
Oh I would love that for my kids!
Posting on Facebook and the blog! :)
Entry for the giveaway...thanks!
Sign me up!
This DVD is great. Count me twice as I have posted on my facebook page.
Hi Trish,
Count me in...twice. Posted on FB.
God Bless!
Count me in too please! ~ :) Thanks!
Tisa.Agloro @ gmail dot com
Although I am not a US resident I will be in the US staying with friends from the 14th to the 30th of August so if I win I could get it from their house. So can I enter this time? If yes consider this my entry.
You can contact me via facebook.
Sign me up!
Of course, Heath. That would be fine. Take care.
Hi Trish,
Count me in.
Eric Olsen
Please I would like to win the DVD!
Thanks! Theresa
Thanks Trish.
Thanks Trish. I posted it to my fb page as well. Count me in!
Can't wait to see it. StephaniesHusband at gmail dot com
I'll be posting on Facebook and Twitter. - Doug
I love this video! Count me in twice as I am reposting this on my Facebook status as well!
I posted it on my facebook. My name is Sarah Poulin. threehappypenguins at hotmail dot com.
Veronica Bryan
I dont have a job right now and was looking for a way to buy it paying less. I found you! Count me in the drawing. I would love to show it to my step son and my church youth. Thanks and good luck to meeee!!!
please count me in twice for the drawing. I just posted it on facebook
sorry. i did not realize my first comemt had gone in, since my computer was having difficulties.
Thank you kindly for this opportunity to possibly receive this DVD for free, Lord willing.
May God bless you,
Your sister in Christ,
Thank you kindly for the opportunity to possibly receive this DVD for free, Lord willing.
May God bless you,
Your sister in Christ,
[Please send e-mail to above]
Sign me up! :) I will also post this on my FB page. :)
Alright, I've never seen this video before but sense it's a FREE DVD...sign me up! Love you wretches!!! X)
Alright, I've never seen this video before but sense it's a FREE DVD...sign me up! Love you wretches!!! X)
Enter Me In.
enter me in PLease
I've been wanting to see this DVD! Sign me up. jkloneske@gmail.com
Sign me up! My name is Will Brannon and my e-mail is: brannonws@gmail.com
I also posted this on my blog (fearlesswitness.blogspot.com). Thank you for the opportunity!
Hi Trish! Please enter me into the DVD giveaway. I've also posted your giveaway on my blog: http://faithfullwitness.blogspot.com/
P.S. Hope to see you again at Deeper this year!
posted on my blog. i have a gmail called lessmemorelove.
Please accept my entry into your DVD giveaway. I would really like to be able to win this DVD. I love nature and animal documentaries and this would be just awesome to add to my DVD collection. Thanks for the opportunity to enter your giveaway.
Lord Bless
Patricia Oliver
Posted it on Facebook. Would love to watch this DVD!
Kimberly. Excited to see if I win!!
I'm in! Thanks!
I'm in! Thanks a Million! lol
I'd like to be in on this! Thanks!
I'd like to be in on this!
Congrats to Chris! You are the winner!
Please email me your shipping address to email [at] fishwithtrish.com
Note: you have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.
Trish, missed out on contest.How about doing another one.
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