Congrats to Jameka!
"Trish...I took the bag on its 1st trip to WalMart! I'm amazed at how much easier it is to pull out the tracts while shopping! When fear tried to grip me..."should I give a tract to the cashier?" I reached inside the bag for my debit card and what did I see? The words...'Go Serve Your King.' " -Jameka
And those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the sky above; and those who turn many to righteousness, like the stars forever and ever. Daniel 12:3
He who wins souls is wise. Prov 11:30
Yeah, Jameka, I'm glad you won!
It is beatiful to see your desire to serve King Jesus!
Yeah, Jameka, I'm glad you won!
It is beatiful to see your desire to serve King Jesus.
Good Luck Jamaica.
congratulations jameka!!!
Mark 16:15
Blobfish, thanks for the kind comment but I'm sure Jameka, as a Christian, doesn't believe in "luck".
Best wishes.
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