Thursday, April 2, 2009

Enter to Win a Signed Copy of “Evangelism in the New Testament...A Plea for Biblically Relevant Evangelism” (2 Winners Will Be Chosen)

My dear friend Jon Speed sent me a new booklet that he recently wrote. I began reading it on Monday night and couldn't put it down. It's called “Evangelism in the New Testament...A Plea for Biblically Relevant Evangelism”.

Listen to what Tony Miano has to say about it: "In just over 40 pages, Jon accomplishes what many books have not in hundreds of pages. He succinctly and biblically makes the case that confrontational evangelism is the predominant form of evangelism seen in the New Testament. While to a far lesser extent friendship/relationship evangelism is seen in Scripture, it does not look like the unbiblical forms all-too-often practiced today by Christians."

Mark Cahill promoted Jon's book in his most recent newsletter. Here's what Mark has to say: "One of the more fascinating quotes from the booklet is this: “By our reckoning, there are at least 89 instances of Christ and His associates doing evangelism in the four Gospels. Of these 89 instances, 77 happened in the context of confrontational evangelism.” Wow! When you look at those encounters, 87% of the witnessing encounters in the four gospels happened with a total stranger who was confronted with Biblical truth about sin, repentance, Jesus, the cross, and judgment to come. In the book of Acts, it was 83% of the evangelism happened with total strangers. "

Ray Comfort says, "Jon has done a wonderful job of showing exactly what it means to fulfill the Great Commission. "Evangelism in the New Testament" will be a great source of encouragement to those who want to do what Jesus commanded us to do--to go into all the world and preach the Gospel to every creature."

Jon signed two copies for me to give-a-way to two of you. Two winners will be chosen for this drawing!

You will be happy to know that if you are not the winner you can Order the booklet, here!

***Contest Rules:

1) Comment here and some way for me to contact you if you win--email or blog link is fine (as long as there's an email address attached to the blog link).

2) Get an additional entry for blogging about this contest or putting it on your website, facebook, twitter, or any other networking site you have. Then make sure you tell me where you've posted it.

Note: You do not have to leave a comment to win. Winning isn't based on what you say. TWO winners will be drawn, it's fine to simply leave your name and email.* No duplicate comments please.* Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail.* You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

***If you are not able to post a comment, please send your entry to email [at] Comments will be opened through April 16, 2009 and I will announce the winner on the comment section of this blog on April 17, 2009. Open to U.S. residents only.


Justin said...

I would LOVE to win this.

Unknown said...

LoveTheLost said...

Jeff [at]

Thanks Trish!

Dave said...

Would love to win it...thanks for your witness Trish, it is a great inspiration to my wife and many others as the see you sharing the faith. Till All Have Heard - Dave

tammi said...

Aw, nuts. I'm Canadian. Sounds like an awesome book though. Might have to add it to my Wish List!!

Scott Erwin said...

stephanieshusband at gmail dot com

me said...

Thanks, Trish!

me said...

Thanks for the contest, Trish!

JC IOU said... :)

Dawg said...

Thanks for the opportunity Trish!

Also, I am plugging this contest on my blog as well!

Anonymous said...

Keep Fishin!!

Manda Lynn said...

Hey Trish,

and I posted about the contest over at my blog (You can get to it by clicking on my profile - it's called 'For Your Edification')


Misty*Dawn said...

I would love to win!

Katie said...

I'd love to get my hands on a copy! I've previewed the book online and it looks awesome!!!

Stefano said...

Thanks Trish.

bell said...

looks like a great book..

Sharp Virtual Yard Sale said...

I'd love to throw my name in the hat; wrsharp at bellsouth dot net

wretchedsinner-savedbygrace said...
Thanks Trish!

Marty said...

I would like a book please.
Thanks and may the Lord Bless you and your family.

Jessy said...

trisha too said...

thank you for the opportunity--
sandtneal at mfire dotty com

R. Venegas said...

I will love it.

Euaggelion said...

I also posted it on my BLOG at:

Question of Identity said...

Real shame that it is open to US residents only. We need to know how to do evangelism here 'across the pond' too!

Anonymous said...

Hey Trish, went out witnessing for the first time this morning with a friend. We had a great and productive time in sunny old England! You, Todd, Ray and Kirk have really inspired us to have a heart for the Lost. Thanks so much.

Douglas said...

Hi there Trish. I know i can use that book in my Library;

Unknown said...

I listen to wretched radio daily
on Surius/XM satelite radio ch 161 family net. And i have to say i just love your segment of the show.
you are such a great witness!!!!
Ok, so is Todd. Would love to add the book to my Christian collection. thx Trish! said...

Hey Trish ,
Thanks for the encouragement you give others to reach all they can with the Gospel!
David Day

Mark Sohmer said...

Me please! :)

Steve said...

ApollyMan said...

dede said...

hi trish...i'd like a shot at it.

dede <><

Brother Frankie said...

as long as he does not call God PAPA id love to win this thing.

Abundant Blessings
Brother Frankie

ExPatMatt said...

Funny how many comments you get when you offer free stuff, isn't it?

Good luck to all the entrants.

Unknown said...

Hey Trisha,
It was such a blessing for the Lord to allow me to attend Transformed and have a chance to speak with you. I will be posting the pictures on Facebook soon. I am going to try to enroll in the School of Biblical Evangelism this month--God bless WOTM for doing the 50% discount. Please pray for our baby coming soon and for our church. I found the article you told me about "How to Approach Your Pastor" and thank you so much for mentioning it. I would love to win this--I am devouring any info I can get my hands on so I can ask God to use me any way He chooses. I will post the contest on my facebook too.
Facebook-Bobby McCreery

truthbetoldradio said...

I like to win anything, haha. :) Thanks for the opportunity. :D

truthbetoldradio said...

I posted the contest on Twitter and on Facebook. :)

Dan said...
I'll add this to Facebook and MySpace.

Jason M. said... (

Unknown said...

Thanks Trish!

Dan Stokley said...

Put me in Trish!!! Keep hitting the streets... God Bless you...

Unknown said...

Great contest!

Matt Robb said...

Would love to win . . . mattrobb@sb

Nathe said...

Greg Nathe

Anonymous said...

Count me in... Jay Wingard at

Unknown said...

Jason Vaughn

Unknown said...

Hey Trish! Just back from So Cal and saw this! I'd LOVE to win this book! You know my info... Alicia (from Sov Joy!)

Fish With Trish said...

Alicia, glad you guys made it back home...missed you at church.

Mountain Spinner said...
Thanks for having the contest:)
And thanks for being a role model for women. Was raised that women didn't do that, was all up to the men. Thank you!

Nate said...
Nate Frost

Wayne in Frisco said...

Sounds like a great book

Liz said...

This sounds like a super book! I would love to have one, Thanks Trish for letting me know about it! :)


Anonymous said...

Bryan said...

See you June 13th!!

Fish With Trish said...

The two winners for this drawing are...drum roll, please...

1. Gina Hunter
2. Pradeep Chellathurai

Congrats friends!

Send me your shipping address and I’ll drop your gift in the mail!

You both have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise 2 new winners will be selected.


Stang said...

Posted on Facebook and website too.

Thank you!!