Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Enter to Win "Comfort Food"! Plus Read About 8 Reasons Why I'd Rather READ "Comfort Food" Than EAT a Hot Fudge Sundae!

I'm giving away my only copy of "Comfort Food--Delectable Devotions To Satisfy the Soul" by Ray Comfort.

Doesn't that ice cream look delicious! The picture that you see on the cover was taken when we went to 13 Countries in 13 Days to film 13 episodes for The Way of the Master Season 4.

Our team decided to a take a quick lunch break at a little quaint cafe directly in front of the Astronomical Clock in Prague, Czech.

I sat across from Carol (the only other lady on our team) and we spotted a desert on the menu that sounded delicious. So we placed our order but I was craving the dessert, so I ordered the hot fudge sundae for Carol and I to split. Our eyes were as big as golf balls when the server gently set the sundae down on our table--I could tell that Ray Comfort and the rest of the film crew wished that they would have ordered one for themselves. Carol snapped a shot of the ice cream and it made it to the cover of Ray's book "Comfort Food".

This book is packed with, easy-to-digest meals of wisdom, joy, love, and comfort that have been prepared in the “kitchen” of well-known “chef” Ray Comfort. These tidbits of truth will delight and satisfy the hungry soul and provide strength and nourishment for every day.

8 Reasons Why I'd Rather READ "Comfort Food" Than EAT a Hot Fudge Sundae!

1. It’s more filling
2. Doesn’t leave you feeling guilty
3. You can be a glutton on it without the bad side effects
4. It has eternal benefits
5. You gain wisdom
6. It's less expensive than a sundae in Prague :-)
7. Won’t gain weight
8. Doesn’t leave you with a bad after taste

***Contest Rules:

1) Comment here and some way for me to contact you if you win--email or blog link is fine (as long as there's an email address attached to the blog link).

2) Get an additional entry for blogging about this contest or putting it on your website, facebook, twitter, or any other networking site you have. Then make sure you tell me where you've posted it.

Note: You do not have to leave a comment to win. Winning isn't based on what you say. One winner will be drawn randomly...so, it's fine to simply leave your name and email.

If you're not the winner, you'll be happy to know that you can pick up a copy of "Comfort Food" at LivingWaters.com.

* No duplicate comments please.

* Winners will be selected via random draw, and will notified by e-mail.

* You have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

***If you are not able to post a comment, please send your entry to email [at] fishwithtrish.com. Comments will be opened through April 16, 2009 and I will announce the winner on the comment section of this blog on Mother's Day, May 1oth 2009.

Open to U.S. residents only.


wretchedsinner-savedbygrace said...

Name: Leah
E-mail: lograce15@yahoo.com

Heath The Blogless said...

Mmmm I like Ice-cream

Brazen Hussey's said...

I love ice cream, but the glory of Christ is so much more satisfying, isn't it?

Love your blog, Trish, and the fire of evangelism that you and WOTM/WR light everywhere you go. We're a changed family because of the Spirit working through you and Ray/Todd's ministries. Keep it up!

Name: James and Tasha H.
Blog: http://brazenhusseys.blogspot.com/
email: idhusseys@gmail.com
Daughter's blog: http://adifferentkindagal.blogspot.com/
phone #: you gotta be kidding me!
Address: 100 nevermind St...
SSN: um...this is ridiculous...

Scott Erwin said...

StephaniesHusband _at_ gmail _dot_ com. Also blogged at scotterwin.blogspot.com.

Aliens and Exiles said...

I like ice cream but I like free Ray Comfort books better!!
Mark Phillippo
I also posted this on my Facebook status update!

Mark Terlecky said...

Looks delicious!
Mark Terlecky
admin@lighthousealliance.orgLighthouse Alliance Church, Rocky River, Ohio

Vince said...

Name: Vince
e-mail: vinbello@hotmail.com

Renee said...


FrodoSaves said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Sharp Virtual Yard Sale said...

Roger from Orlando - wrsharp at Bellsouth.net

MyChainsAreGone said...

Keep up the great work Trish!

Name: Pete
email: plstarks@ltdkate.com

SamsonTJ said...

I enjoy reading Ray Comfort's books on evangelism. I was a victim of the modern gospel several years ago. One day, I came across The Living Waters website and Way of The Master page several years ago. It was a big wakeup call. I am very blessed and thankful for The Living Waters Ministry and The Way of The Master program. To God be the glory!! Jesus reigns!!

Angela Belt-Newcom said...

Name: Angel Snipes
Email: therogueangel@gmail.com

I did an RT on Twitter of your original tweet about the contest. Twitter automatically updates my Facebook status, so it is on there too.

I also blogged it. :)

Julio and Deyka said...

Lets keep praying for all of these ministries to keep the fire going. God bless you all.


Josiah said...

Hey Trish, Thanks for being an encouragement and inspiration to us. I pray the Lord continues to protect you and give you strength!



P.S. I have posted this on my facebook page for everyone to see and check out. I friend requested you, so you can see it. Thanks again!

Dan Stokley said...

Keep on Workin for the Lord Trish!

ExPatMatt said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Fish With Trish said...

ExPatMatt, perhaps the individuals on my blog have jobs, families and are members of churches and don't have time to get into month long debates on my blog. Just food for thought.

pooper said...

i would sure love to win this book, for one reson i love ray and for another reason i love icecream posted on my fb page also at floyd seres and my email is pets54@hotmail.com

Heath The Blogless said...

That is the politest insult I have ever read. So I don't get you wrong, you didn't want to read the book.

Heath The Blogless said...

One more thing I would have to agree with you on the Ann Coulter books. Not the rest though.

FrodoSaves said...


That is the politest insult I have ever read. So I don't get you wrong, you didn't want to read the book.
I was worried for a minute that the message wasn't quite clear enough. You are correct though. And Ann Coulter has no business dressing like that while looking like that, especially not when there's a very real chance that a person with eyes might see her.

Nate said...

Posted a link on my Facebook Page:
Nathan Frost

Thanks Trish!

Eternal Critic said...


I am a poor confused Atheist with little in my life to keep me going, no moral direction, and a complete lack of purpose. I can't comprehend why we exist, or where the universe came from... its all so complicated. Maybe this book will help me find that direction I need!


Que Sarah, Sarah said...


Unknown said...

name: Joe Drew

email: wayofthepastor@comcast.net

Blog: http://www.wayofthepastor.blogspot.com

Unknown said...


ExPatMatt said...


What are these 'jobs', 'families' and 'churches' you speak of?

Do they exist in the world outside of my Basement dwelling?

You lie! There is no outside world; just Blogger and occasionally Youtube.


Steve said...


Steve Hyle

Jessy said...

I will also put it on my blog and facebook. Thanks. Jessy


Dan said...

Name: Dan and Lisa
Email: Dan2Lisa@gmail.com

BeamStalk said...

I like Ice Cream, it is tasty. I think I like Frozen Yogurt better though. Snoogins!

Name: Rocky
Email: rocky.salit@gmail.com

Turning Point and Life changes said...

Jason Shoots

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Heath The Blogless said...


Maybe you should put something cold on it like an ice cream Sundae, I wouldn't use a Hot Fudge Sundae that could just make things worse.

I would like the book, but because I'm in Australia I will just have to be satisfied with an ice cream Sundae. I think I will go get one now.

Heath The Blogless said...

Shame they didn't have any Sundaes at the shop, oh well.

Anonymous said...

heath p,

I am actually glad for you that you will not get those pernicious books entering your home.

I am actually sorry about the lack of Sundae. I got a double espresso. Hum! It was so good. You might try that.


Aaron said...

Aaron from Cincinnati.

Marty said...

Thanks for the witnessing tips. I'd like to win a copy of this book. May the lord continue to bless you and your ministry.

Megan said...

Chad S. Minnesota

stranger.strange.land said...

ExPatMatt said...

What are these 'jobs', 'families' and 'churches' you speak of?

Do they exist in the world outside of my Basement dwelling?

You lie! There is no outside world; just Blogger and occasionally Youtube.


You are seriously in need of therapy. I suggest that you 'dry out' cold turkey under 24 hr. observation, in a remote location.

You will probably be okay.


Unknown said...

Thanks Trish.

Jason Vaughn

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Melanie said...

First: Fish with Trish said...

ExPatMatt, perhaps the individuals on my blog have jobs, families and are members of churches and don't have time to get into month long debates on my blog. Just food for thought.

anyway please enter me. :)

I would rather spend two hours talking about the Lord to someone who has ears to hear than spend 30 seconds writing a blog post to someone that couldn't care less. ;)

God bless you Trish. You, Ray, Todd, everyone, are always in my prayers.

Melanie said...

ExPatMatt said...


What are these 'jobs', 'families' and 'churches' you speak of?

Do they exist in the world outside of my Basement dwelling?

You lie! There is no outside world; just Blogger and occasionally Youtube.


That was cute, Matt. Well, we have netbooks now so no one ever has to be without a computer and tons of WiFi everywhere. Its gettin crazy!

Dawg said...



Thanks for the opportunity!

Anonymous said...

Who is Ray Comfort?

Three thumbs.

Can I have your book please?

FrodoSaves said...


You're mistaken. It's not Ray, it's the wife.

Sharon Kaufman said...

"...give thanks to the Lord for his unfailing love and his wonderful deeds for men, for he satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things." Ps 107:8-9

Would love to feast on the the thoughts from this book.

Visit The Good Woman @ http://the-good-woman.blogspot.com

Fish With Trish said...

James aka Boy Preacher,

Congrats buddy!

You're the winner of "Comfort Food"!

Shoot me an email with your shipping address and I'll put your book in the mail ASAP!


ExPatMatt said...

My condolences, James.


Fish With Trish said...

James aka Boy Preacher, you have less than 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected. Thanks!