Apparently, many people are either requesting to have their cell phones buried with them, or, the relatives/friends of the deceased are burying them with their cell phones on a full battery. After the battery wears out, the relatives or friends call and leave messages in an attempt to feel connected to their loved one. Apparently, being buried with your iPod is an upcoming fad taking shape as well.
Two things are apparent: 1) People love their identity and personal existence so much that they desire to get phone calls they can never be aware of, and 2) People want to hold on to the loves of this world, that they’ll leave voice mails that can never be heard in an attempt to deceive themselves that they are still connected with those who are no longer alive.
Self deception is a reality that exposes the lengths that mankind will go to feel comfortable within the false reality that they feel comfortable in. Three things are for sure, 1) You can't take your cell phone with you when you die, and 2) No one will be able to call you from earth when you're dead, and 3) 10 out of every 10 people will die. It's appointed once for man to die and then the judgment (Heb 9:27).
Make sure that when you face God on judgment day that you have Christ's righteousness and not your own (Romans 3:21-27). If you haven't repented of your sins and trusted in Christ, please do so today.
I'm reminded of the first stanza of the great hymn written by Edward Mote in 1797-1874:
"My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteousness; I dare not trust the sweetest frame, But wholly lean on Jesus' name. On Christ, the solid Rock, I stand; All other ground is sinking sand. "
Is this more of less of an example of (quote)'Self deception is a reality that exposes the lengths that mankind will go to feel comfortable within the false reality that they feel comfortable in' than the whole bible 'reality' thing that you espouse?
Reminds me of Lots' wife, turning back to look at what she did not want to leave behind ( The love of the world and the material things she had in Sodom )and then being turned into a pillar of salt, because of the love of the things of this world.
Genesis 19:26 "But his wife looked back behind him, and she became a pillar of salt."
Oh the efforts we make to hold on to this life. The utter insanity of it all.
Logic Lad, your comment suggests that the Bible is not reality - such a claim must be supported before leaping to a statement that assumes it is not reality. If you would like me to support my claim that dead people have no use of cell phones, I will return the favor, as that is only right.
I can see there is a physicl thing we call 'the bible' however i do not believe what is written inside it is all or even mostly factually true. You are making the extraodinary claim that the contents of the bible should be taken as the words of some creator god and that we should live our lives by the edicts included within. This requires you to provide the evidence it is true, i don't have it is dalse, otherwise you clearly also have to believe in Bertrands Teapot.
On the pure topic at hand, i think burying people with the mobile is a waste of a perfectly good piece of technology, however it's theirs so they can do what they want. If it gives the greiving solace then where is the harm?
wow, my spelling still needs a lot of work, must stop writing posts in a hurry
the sentence 'This requires you to provide the evidence it is true, i don't have it is dalse, otherwise you clearly also have to believe in Bertrands Teapot.'
should read
'This requires you to provide the evidence it is true, I don't have to prove it is false, otherwise you clearly also have to believe in Bertrands Teapot.
Yeah, if death is so "natural" then why not just let it go and move on. It's sad, really.
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