Friday, January 16, 2015

Fishing With Trish...

Wednesday's mall evangelism was very encouraging. Two of us were in the food court "printing" 180 Movie tracts from our iPhone, and were pleased to meet three people that know and love Ray Comfort's ministry, a lady that has 180 Movie but hasn't watched it yet...I think she will now though...and other nice Christians that encouraged us. We also handed out copies of The Biggest Question to some Spanish speakers (I love how they've included both Spanish and English on one DVD.) You can get yours here:

We also ran into our 80 year old friend Virgil. We met him last Wednesday. His wife shops and he wanders around the food court area until the time they've appointed for him to meet up with her. He showed my friend how he remembers what time and where to meet her; he wrote "2:45 B.S." on his hand to remember to be at the Book Store at 2:45.

Makes me think of Hebrews 9:27, "And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment," But, unlike Virgil we don't have a time and place written on our hand. And as far as we can tell, Virgil isn't ready for his appointed time with God. Make sure you are.

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