Pic above: My grandfather (top row left - US Navy 1943 thru 1947).

Pic above: Flight crew (my grandfather, second from the left - US Navy)
receiving an award. He's not sure what the commendation was though.
I thank God that my grandfather is still alive and that I have the
opportunity to ask him all sorts of questions.
Papa I hope you're still up because I'm going to call you.
Take the time to ask your grandfather questions this weekend.
Happy Veteran's Day to all who have served and currently are.
Showing a glimpse of my age, but I wore my father's WW2 US Navy dog tags today. I don't have good pictures from those days, however.
As important as our fading WWII vets were and are, I feel like people have spent today ignoring the current generation of veterans whom have just recently gotten out of war.
They need not just respect, but our support when it comes to recovering from both the physical and mental traumas of warfare. Research charities for veterans and consider donating to them.
Very true!
My dad went to Vietnam, of his own accord, and passed away from lung cancer the doctors said was likely caused by the smoke inhalation of his helicopter crash.
I always thought that story was phony when he'd tell it, just sounded like Rambo or something, but we have pics of him with his M16 blazing. He rescued a Japanese reporter (go figure that), who was so happy my dad wasn't a photographer...
Anyhow, Trish, I believe you know the story of my dad's demise, but all the Vet's: ya'll rock. Thankful for your service.
Signed -
Air Force Brat (A thankful one!)
PS: My dad wasn't drafted in, he went in as an air evac medic. Oh, the stories! (Funny, they were always reserved for DINNER time...)
I thank the Lord very much for Americans (as well as Canadians, Australians, Indians) who risked their lives in 2 world wars and laid their lives down in Europe to help keep us free.
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