(Pic above: Witnessing buddies on Reformation Day from left to right: Nathanael, Christina, Sarah, Justice, Trish, Joel and James).
An encouraging email came in today:
"Trish - I just saw your video of how to pass out tracts for Halloween, I mean Reformation Day. For years, I would have nothing to do with halloween since it was associated with evil things. A few years ago, a dear brother and evangelist challenged the idea of hiding under your bed on Halloween. He actually goes out on the streets with friends and witnesses to people. He suggested tracts and candy. He made the same points that you did, people come to your door, you can give them the Gospel. I was convicted and changed my ways immediately. I talked with some friends at church that don't really do much to share their faith but, they are all willing to do treat bags with tracts on halloween. My network of ladies is growing that participate in this.
This year, there were not many kids in my neighborhood and so I went to my unsaved brother's house. He and his wife had no objections to me passing out my treats right along with them. What was really awesome, my sister-in law started reading the tracts and my teenage nephews and their friends got their own special treat bags from me when they got home from collecting candy. The boys are 14 & 15 years old. None of them saved and they started reading their "creepy cash" tract and talking about it. The subject got dropped before I could witness to them but, I noticed each kid took their tract home with them.
I had never thought of doing the curved illusion tract when they come to the door. I LOVE THAT IDEA!!!!! I hope to use it next year myself! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You inspire me to do what I can to share the Gospel! Thank you for being faithful to share what you do, it really does encourage others to do something as well. Keep those tips coming!
-Beth McAdoo
Fairfax, VA
Nothing special here, just wanted to tell you that I made an effort. Treat bags with candy and tracts were made up and ready to go. When the little raiders came to our apartment door (second floor out of three levels), I gave them out. Also, a home-made "Death Beth Knows" URL card that I gave to the older ones.
Unfortunately for tract giving, Halloween seems to be dying (heh!), and we have fewer visitors every year. Perhaps that is a good thing for safety reasons. Various organizations have indoor, supervised, safe events (our local mall even had something happening).
Looks like we'll have to do our witnessing the old-fashioned way: Online. Oh, and going outside and doing one-to-one, I understand that that's effective as well. (Joking. I know it's the best way.)
Stormbringer, that is wonderful. Glad you made the effort - it's better than nothing at all!
As for Halloween dying down, I agree. I've noticed a decline. I had less kids this year, than all the others.
We ended up passing out tracts at the door then around 8pm we hit the streets and the kids I was with started knocking on doors. One of the kids, Joel, was so pumped. He'd knock and say, "We are not trick or treating...we are giving you something." Then he handed them candy and a tract.
He's a neat kid.
Tracting at halloween is a wonderful thing! I've been doing it for several years now. I started taking those snack-size ziplock baggies and putting a million dollar bill in it along with two pieces of candy. Fits pretty good.
One year it was just the regular million dollar bill, and then it was the youth celebrity million dollar bill. This year I used the halloween million dollar bill. Each year there are kids that come back and remember that they got a million dollar bill the previous year (and I've even heard parents say "I think this is the house that gave out the million dollar bill last year").
But this year I wanted to give something extra to all the adults that come out with their kids. So I got the 10 commandment coins along with the coin holder to give them. I gave out almost 50 of them. Several people paused for a moment after looking at it and turned around to say "10 commandments... thanks a lot!" and one man turned around and said "hey.... this is just what I needed today... thanks a lot!".
How cool is that? God was glorified that night. :)
The first time my kids got a tract, they didn't like it. But now they think it's cool, "Hey, Mom! I got religious propaganda!"
God bless you, Chris. That's a good idea for the parents. Thanks for sharing.
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