Thursday, February 11, 2010

Luther Gold Give Away Signed By Ray Comfort

Enter to win Luther Gold - compiled by Ray Comfort (152 pages, hardcover publisher Bridge Logos).

Ray's combined some of the cream of the crop quotes from Luther on Evangelism and other wonderful topics about the Christian faith.

Luther wrote, “Faith is a living, daring confidence in God’s grace, so sure and certain that a man could stake his life on it a thousand times.”

Here's what to do to win:

There are 2 Ways to enter your name in the drawing...

1. For 2 entries, post this give away on your website, blog, or social networking site.

2. For 1 entry, simply enter your name below (in the comment section) and a way for me to contact you if you win.

Contest ends Sunday, Feb. 21 2010. I will randomly pick 1 name and the winner will be announced on Monday, Feb. 22 2010.

Open to US and Canada residents only

"All the wisdom of the world is childish foolishness in comparison with the acknowledgment of Christ." Martin Luther's Table Talk

"A man that depends on the riches and honors of this world, forgetting God and the welfare of his soul, is like a little child that holds a fair apple in the hand, of agreeable exterior, promising goodness, but within `tis rotten and full of worms."
Martin Luther's Table Talk


Cindy Jasmine said...

uhhh trisha.... uhhh... this says Jan. 11 :/ i mean im no rocket scientist but that's in the past :P

Fish With Trish said...

Fixed. Thanks for reading it and watching out for things like this. Blessings sis!

Cindy Jasmine said...

No prob! That's what English majors are supposed to do ;)
Thanks for this opportunity!
Anyway, here is my entry.

I posted it on my blog:

Thanks again :)

Lydia said...

I have Spurgeon Gold and love it!


DarrinB said...

If my name is drawn as one of the lucky winners it is just for the book and not a book and a handbag correct? Not that there is anything wrong with handbags. :)

DarrinB said...

....forget the email address. said...

Hi Trish. I've posted the drawing on my blog. Here is my email:


Pastor Jason said...

posted on my facebook
- Jason Hilliard

Fish With Trish said...

That's right Darrin wanted to see if you'd catch that. :-)

Anonymous said...

Enter me please!!

MrsG24 said...

Pick me!! Pick me!!!! :D

Matt Tyler said...

Matt Tyler
Posted on Facebook

Unknown said...

Josh Amador

Thanks, Trish

Jenn Marshall said...

Hey Trish!

I posted it on my Facebook (Jenn Marshall). Would LOVE to add this book to our collection. *hint hint* :)

Dan said...

Hope we win :-D
We're posting it on Facebook now.

Unknown said...

Posted on FB.

Unknown said...

Posted on fb

Anonymous said...

Thanks Trish! Looking forward to the next season of Way of the Master on the big screen! Blessings- Riv

Anonymous said...

Thanks Trish! Looking forward to the next season of Way of the Master on the big screen! Blessings- Riv

Unknown said...

Posted on Facebook

Thanks, Trish!

Joshua DuBois said...

Thanks Trish, I posted it on my Facebook account. I'm on your friends list or you can contact me at Have a great week!

James said...

I would like a shot at it

james (at) deliverdetroit (dot)(com)

Pastor David said...

David Young

Unknown said...

Posting on my twitter that automatically updates my facebook, and here is my email that's like 5 entry's right?? LOL!

pastorboy said...

If I post it on each of my bogs, do I get two entries for each blog????

Fish With Trish said...

That would be nice...but sorry you won't, pastor boy.


Anonymous said...

If I paste it on my Blag, do I get 2 free entry, Trish?
Wishin' n' a hopin'... a Luke warm fish taco would make me happy.
God Bless America!

Nelson said...

Posted to Facebook and Twitter.

Nelson said...

Posted to my Facebook and Twitter.

Wayne in Frisco said...

Cool giveaway, Trish! This would go nicely with my Whitfield Gold...

Wayne Dodrill

Unknown said...

Entry for giveaway
vjay at verizon dot net

Unknown said...

Entry for giveaway...
vjay at verizon dot net

Tony said...

Tony Sedletzeck - Please enter me for Luther Gold my email:

Anonymous said...

Whoa! I would love that book!

BathTub said...
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Kristin said...

Thank you so much for coming up to our school. I know there are many of us hoping that you will be able to come up again in May. May God bless you as you share the gospel!

terriergal said...
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BathTub said...
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Anonymous said...

I am entering to win the Luther Gold. You can email if I win at Thanks Trish! :-)

Debunkey Monkey said...
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Trisha said...

God Bless You!
Trisha H.

Froggie said...
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Jameka Williams said...

Here is my entry.

Jameka Williams said...

here is my entry.

Anna Sethe said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Douglas said...

Hi Trish. I could definitely use that book. I always can use new books to read. Cold up here in New England wether snow or not, this cold keeps me reading.

Fish With Trish said...

I have deleted comments that are not appropriate for the give away section. Please move your debate to another one of my posts. Thank you. Give aways are for entries. Thanks for understanding.

Kelly J. said...

Kelly Joachim

Jason S. said...

Count me in. Thanks

Unknown said...

Posted to my Facebook... what a great contest!


Whateverman said...

Hi Trish.

By deleting comments which question the value of Luther and asking them to be posted elsewhere - without giving people a place to post them - isn't very nice. Although you and I disagree on many things, I believe you to be a nice person in real life; were I to not have this belief, your behavior here would definitely make me think otherwise.

Please create a post that allows people to discuss the value of Luther, and of the book which appears to discuss it.

tttttttt said...

Thank you for the opportunity. I would LOVE to get the book. My name is Samuel and my email address is :

N.D. Xiong said...

Thou shall pick me to win the Luther Gold! hehe...

zilch said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Unknown said...

Great giveaway Trish! Put me in for 2 entries: I posted your link at


vance6369 said...

I thank God for your evangelism efforts.

vance6369 said...

I thank God for your evangelism efforts and I'd love to add Luther Gold to the other Gold books I have.

Kendall said...

Thanks Trisha
Kendall Goad

AngelaK said...

Hi Trish, I've posted it on my Facebook page.

I would love to add this w/Whitefield, Moody Gold.

Thanks Trish....

Angela Braxton

The Good Blog said...

Looking forward to this book. Keep up the good work. Posting it on my Facebook now too.

Until His Nets Are Full said...

Posting on my facebook. Jason Karroll

true_revival at

john said...

pick me!!

Stacy Ryan said...

I also posted this on my Facebook,

Euaggelion said...

Put it on my Facebook:


Brad said...

I would love to win Luther Gold, and then signed by Ray Comfort even better!

Redeemed Dirt said...

Yea, Luther! !!! Thanks, how fun!

Unknown said...

Trish, Thanks for your ministry!
Serving Him with gladness,

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Doug Tollett said...

Posted on Facebook and Twitter.


Anonymous said...

I have Spurgeon Gold and it is wonderful...this would be an awesome addition to our bookshelf. ~ Danielle (

Brother Casey said...

Enter my name also!

Fish With Trish said...

Zilch, I deleted your comment because you didn't read the fine print...

"Open to US and Canada residents only"

So sorry.

zilch said...

Not that it matters, Trish, but I'm a legal resident of California too. I spend every summer there with my family. But it's your blog.

Fish With Trish said...

Zilch, by all means you can enter, then. As long as I'll be able to send it to a CA address should you win.

Reynold said...
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zilch said...

Reynold- while I agree with your characterization of Luther, I must come to Trish's defense here: check out her newest post. Trish- I presume you accept links to your own website!

Reynold said...
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Snow said...

This would complete my collection of Spurgeon, Wesley, and Whitfield Gold!

Unknown said...

Hi Trish,

I would love to have this! Thanks for all you do!

Fish With Trish said...

Zilch, yes I do accept links to my own website. Thanks.

Fish With Trish said...

tttttttt (Samuel),

You've won a copy of LUTHER GOLD on Fish with Trish.


Please send me your shipping address and your book will be in the mail.


P.S. you have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.

Fish With Trish said...

Since the first winner did not respond in 48 hrs I have randomly selected a new winner. The winner is "Trisha H" congrats!

You've won a copy of LUTHER GOLD on Fish with Trish.

Congrats Trisha !!!

Please send me your shipping address and your book will be in the mail.


P.S. you have 48 hours to get back to me, otherwise a new winner will be selected.