Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Christian Women Online Interview--Part 2

Where the rubber meets the road...Part 2
of my interview with Christian Women Online.
Watch as I keep looking back at the camera in the beginning...
I was terrified to hand out the first tract.
Watch what happens. But wait...
If you didn't see the Part 1, just click HERE.


Jenny said...

Thank you for showing this conversation. I can't see enough of them as I craft my own message following the example of TWOTM.

Fish With Trish said...

Jenny, glad you were encouraged!

Joe Byrd said...

Trish, That is so beautiful. It's good to know you have the same feelings I have. When I go out on a visitation trip-I get a sick feeling in my stomach, But isn't God so wonderful-He goes before us and prepares the way and after the first contact I start to feel peace and it gets easier.
God Bless You