Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Pro-life Movie-maker Accused of Deception

Contact: Anita Alvarado, heartchanger.com/media.php; Trisha Ramos, 1-800-437-1893

LOS ANGELES, Nov. 14, 2011 /Christian Newswire/ --. A group calling themselves “Phantom Video Productions” has released video footage accusing Ray Comfort, the creator of www.180movie.com of using actors. The award-winning 33-minute documentary has had more than 1.5 million YouTube views in just over six weeks. It shows eight people changing their minds from being pro-abortion to pro-life in a matter of seconds, after being asked one question.

Phantom Video Productions says that they have proof that Comfort used actors, “… she pauses, and then looks around at the cameraman and reads her response directly from the cue card--that is being held up by the person that can be clearly seen in the right-hand lens of her sunglasses, right here [pictured]. It’s as obvious as [expletive] that she’s being prompted and reading scripted lines.”[1]

The accusation has stirred a hornet’s nest of controversy on YouTube’s comments, where more than 24,000 comments have been posted about the movie[2]: “They were obviously actors.”… “I seriously think those people were paid actors”… “They're all paid actors, obviously.” “That Greek guy is just a paid actor.” Another YouTube site has more accusations[3]:
• You can see the blond pig-tails girl with black sunglasses is reading off a cue- card.
• This can be verified from his own video by zooming on her partially reflective glasses...He is the lowest of the low.
• You can make out the guy holding the card in her glass.
• A masterful response, and great job busting Ray on the cue card farce.
Comfort said, “It may look like a cue-card to some, but it’s not. If these people are paid actors, each of them deserves an Oscar.”
For media interviews, go to: http://heartchanger.com/media.php
[1] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r3DP90hfZkc 10:36—10:53
2 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y2KsU_dhwI&feature=feedlik
3 http://www.youtube.com/all_comments?v=r3DP90hfZkc ,


River Glorious said...


Where's the beef? I don't see a cue card. If it's true, then they need concrete proof, from an impartial 3rd party.

Anonymous said...

Why is there always some reason, not to believe?

When they can't find anything, well then make it up!

Anonymous said...

I see there is another young woman with glasses on, do they also say there are cue cards to be found there?


Fish With Trish said...

As far as I know, they don't. Too funny.

zilch said...

Although I'm an atheist, and disagree with the reasoning in this film, I do agree that this is pretty silly.

Fish With Trish said...

Thanks Zilch, for your reasonable comment. Best wishes.

zilch said...

Same to you, Trish. As I'm sure you know, getting carried away and saying or doing unreasonable things is an equal-opportunity employer: no one is immune, no matter what their worldview.

cheers from chilly Vienna, zilch