Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My First Day at the Abortion Clinic - Aug 15, 2011

I went to my first abortion clinic last week and pleaded with ladies as they walked in to answer this question, "It's okay to kill a baby in the womb when?"

One couple pulled up quickly in a blue Chevy truck, the young lady jumped out while the man sat and waited with a child.

I had no assurance that he could hear me but I pleaded with him anyway, "God detests those that are quick to shed innocent blood. Sir, did you know the last thing to go when someone is dying is their hearing? Your conscience might be on the brink of death, sir, maybe you have suppressed the truth of God for so long that your conscience is hard but please, if you hear my voice today and there is any life left in you, don't do this! Don't kill your child. This is God's child. The lady that you dropped off is simply His vessel. The bible says, Thou shall not murder! .... Sir, I beg of you, go in and be a man and compel her to come out. Don't be a coward, sir. The bible says in the book of Revelation that cowards will not inherit the kingdom of God. Please, don't do this. Don't let her do this!"

I urged him for what seemed like an eternity but in reality it was about 5 minutes.

He slowly began to back out his truck. He appeared to be slumped over his steering wheel. I wasn't sure what to expect. But as he drove closer, I held out my hand with a tract and urgently motioned him to roll down his window. He cracked the window about 5 inches -enough for me to see the side of his face. He was beat red which is only the result of violent weeping. He couldn't lift his head to look at me.

"Sir, please, we are here for you. What is your name?"

"Michael." He answered.

"We won't leave until you go get her. Please, back up, go in and get her. Be a man, Michael, and lead her. There is hope for you today at the cross of Christ, there is forgiveness in His name today for all your sins. Turn from sin and turn to Christ. Please do this, please."

He took a deep breath, slightly lifted his head and looked up at me out of the corner of his left eye. He wiped away the sea of tears streaming down his face and nodded that he understood. He picked up his cell phone and minutes later Guadalupe walked out. She got in the car and they drove off.

One life saved today.


Dan said...

I read this aloud to Lisa with the song "Wonderful merciful Savior" (sung by children) in the background. I held back tears of joy and sadness as I read. May God raise up more in His church to go boldly, to push back such darkness with the light of the gospel.

Fish With Trish said...

God bless you, Dan. Thank you for passing it on to Lisa. Hope to see you both one day again.

Fish With Trish said...

Me too, Chris. Me too.

Michael Coughlin said...

Yay, Yay, Yay!! Praise Jesus Christ! Great job in obedience, sister!

Unknown said...

There are no guarantees that he won't take her back. Bringing an unwanted child in the world weighs heavily on the unbelieving, since they do not consider the child a human being until it is born. It's a momentary victory, but remember to keep those in prayer because of the capricious nature of the flesh (Gen. 6:5).

Neil said...

Praise God for your efforts and that little ones life!

Turning Point and Life changes said...

Not sure what too say? Wow!

bmcadoo said...

Beautiful story. Thank you for standing up for life and the Gospel. Father, God, I would ask you right now to continue working in the hearts of Michael and Guadalupe. Continue to protect the life of this precious child.

SaulBecomesPaul said...

Praise God!! Great story, thanks for sharing!

Anna Havanka said...

I didn't hold back any tears. Thank you for your faithfulness.

Anna Havanka said...

I didn't hold back any tears. Thank you for your faithfulness.

betty said...

Amazing wonderful victory! God put you there to intervene with perfect timing!
Love what you are doing. Praise God!
Sincerely, Betty Catoe

Tim McCall said...
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Tim McCall said...

(Comment is by Elly McCall, signed in under hubby's google account)
Wow Trisha, thank you SO much for sharing this amazing story! I have been wanting to start witnessing/pleading at abortion clinics for months (years?) now, but I don't know of any Christians that are willing/able to do so :o( Could you please let us know how this outreach was organized? Did you have a team go out, and did you have prepared materials (like pregnancy resource center info., etc.)? I'd really like to know if you could :o) Thank you so much!

Lori Williams said...

I just read this before heading out to a powerful story. Thank you for being obedient to the call of Christ and pleading with this man. We will be praying for them. Praise the Lord! What a great perspective and reminder to start the day out with. That NOTHING is too big for Him or too far gone..a life can be saved even at the last minute.

Lori Williams said...

I just read this before heading out to a powerful story. Thank you for being obedient to the call of Christ and pleading with this man. We will be praying for them. Praise the Lord! What a great perspective and reminder to start the day out with. That NOTHING is too big for Him or too far gone..a life can be saved even at the last minute.

Ginger said...

Wow! That's amazing that you had such a victorious first experience! What great encouragement to do it again!

projector22 said...

Thanks be to God :)

projector22 said...

Praise be to God :)

Greg Rice said...

Praise God, Trish. He has graciously given you such a compassionate heart and it is always thrilling to see how He continues use you in such mighty ways.

Fish With Trish said...

Elly, great question. Two dear friends of mine (Jon Speed and Tim Crawford) know of a man who has been going daily for something like 15 yrs and we hooked up with him. I bet if you check with local churches in your area you might find someone that is going and if not, then grab a sis or two or three to go with you. said...

Thank you for sharing this, Trish.

About three years ago, our daughter, Becky, took the initiative to speak to a woman (who was either on staff, or a fellow student) who was about to have an abortion. Becky boldly told her that this was a child inside her, and God doesn't want her to kill her child.

The woman thanked Becky for talking to her, and cancelled the appointment at the abortion clinic. Soon afterward, she and her boyfriend got married and now are enjoying their family.

Thanks to people like you and Becky who are bold and compassionate enough to just tell people exactly what it is they are about to do, and that this is a living child.


Cedricstudio said...

Wow, that story is *awesome*! May God raise up more to do the same.

Linda Martin said...

Trish, thank you so much for sharing. What a wonderful praise! I also went to an abortion clinic for my first time 3 weeks ago, and plan to go again soon. The clinic turned out to be closed that Saturday, but I was able to meet the people that have been praying there every week for years. Put me to shame.

Tim McCall said...

(Comment is by Elly McCall, signed in under Hubby's google account)

Thank you SO much for the information Trish! I have been trying to find local Christians who are able (and willing) to go with me, but I have found none so far that are able to commit to regular visits. There is a ministry that goes to a couple of abortion clinics, but they team up with non-Christians as well (Catholics, primarily), so I cannot join them because the gospel *must* be the reason for us venturing out for the sake of the babies and the sake of the souls of the parents. I would appreciate your prayers that I would find like minded Christians to go plead for babies' lives and the souls of the men & women heading to these murder clinics! Thank you SO much for the encouraging post! God bless you and your work for our dear Savior!

Becca said...

Why did you just stop this couple having an abortion and then wave them off? Why didn't you offer to to adopt the baby after the lady had it?
Because they probably had a very good reason for wanting an abortion: maybey they had no money, maybey they just knew thhey couldn't cope with the demands of another child. If you make it your business to stop women having abortions, its definitly your business to offer an alternative solution which doesn't involve them keeping the baby.Obviously, since your faith helps you appreaciate the wonder of new life, yuo should be the one to take the baby. You neglected that part of your Christian duty, i am sad to say :(

Fish With Trish said...

Dear Hanna, thank you for at least leaving your name with your comment but it would be nice if you would allow people to see your profile. Please unhide your profile.

Anna Hogan said...

TRISH HOLD ON TO WHAT JESUS SAID: "Blessed are you when men hate you, and ostracize you, and insult you, and scorn your name as evil, for the sake of the Son of Man. Be glad in that day and leap for joy, for behold, your reward is great in heaven. For in the same way their fathers used to treat the prophets." [Jesus Christ in Luke 6:22-23]

Thank you so much for what you are doing. I am an abortion survivor and I know that my life has great value and worth. A young girl seeking an abortion is afraid and desperate and not aware of her choices. We can offer many choices. But killing her baby should NOT be one of them. I am glad that I escaped that fate, and I'm here to tell the world that God has me here for a reason. He created me because He willed for me to be here.

Keep up the good fight Trish. God bless you.
Anna Hogan
Facebook: anna.hogan

Anonymous said...

It's been really great going through your blog post, very well informed and described. Great to read and know more about such kind of stuff.

Abortion Clinics in Moorpark

Lisa said...

Praying for this young couple! Praise the Lord for His conviction of sin in this young man's heart. Praying for their situation, and most importantly, their repentance and salvation. Above all, may the Lord be glorified!!!!