I echo his post completely!
Here's a snippet:
".... I would never, ever, vote for a man who advocated the murder of a child in the womb. I don't care about his fiscal policies, because the blood of the innocents is on his hands. ...the answer to the issue of abortion isn’t just to protest, although that's a start. A nation that kills 50 million of its citizens through abortion with no qualms of conscience needs more than a voice of protest. We are no different than Nazi Germany. We have given ourselves to the wickedest of sins, and that will eventually have terrible national consequences. We desperately need God’s forgiveness, and we need a new heart that can only come with conversion. Only the gospel can take a self-righteous, blaspheming, idolatrous, hypocritical, baby-killing nation, forgive it, and make it brand new: "Then I will sprinkle clean water on you, and you shall be clean; I will cleanse you from all your filthiness and from all your idols. I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh. I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them" (Ezekiel 36:25-27)."
Then Ray continues in a separate article but with more detail on the same subject:
"...It’s time for us to put legs to our prayers and do what we have been told to do, and that’s going to take faithful laborers. The Scriptures ask, “How will they hear without a preacher?” Saint Francis of Assisi’s “Preach the gospel. If necessary use words,” doesn’t cut it any longer (it has been well-said, “That’s like saying, Wash yourself. If necessary use water”). We have to open our mouths for the world to hear. The time for excuses has gone. We live in desperate times and we need to have clear and certain sound to take us into the heat of battle. We have to overcome our evangelophobia."
If you can't speak, perhaps you would consider giving a DVD called “The Divine Butler” to your neighbors, coworkers, and loved ones, and let it do the speaking for you. It's one of the episodes of Season 3 of The Way of the Master's award-winning TV program, and it is extremely timely for what is happening to our country. I watched it the other night with Emilio and thought it was very well done! Click HERE for details!
If you can't speak, perhaps you would consider giving a DVD called “The Divine Butler” to your neighbors, coworkers, and loved ones, and let it do the speaking for you. It's one of the episodes of Season 3 of The Way of the Master's award-winning TV program, and it is extremely timely for what is happening to our country. I watched it the other night with Emilio and thought it was very well done! Click HERE for details!
Click HERE to read the rest of the Ray's blog in it's entirety...it's really good!
"...It’s time for us to put legs to our prayers and do what we have been told to do, and that’s going to take faithful laborers. The Scriptures ask, “How will they hear without a preacher?” Saint Francis of Assisi’s “Preach the gospel. If necessary use words,” doesn’t cut it any longer (it has been well-said, “That’s like saying, Wash yourself. If necessary use water”). We have to open our mouths for the world to hear. The time for excuses has gone. We live in desperate times and we need to have clear and certain sound to take us into the heat of battle. We have to overcome our evangelophobia
I went to The Awakening 08 at my church over last weekend and heard Mark Cahill, Ray, and others speak. Mark Cahill said something that spoke to how I have been feeling, and that is that I don't want to be taking my last breath and looking back on my life thinking that I wasted it all on things that don't matter for eternity.... Seeing Jesus face to face knowing that I lived most of my life for me. It truly was an awakening.
Have you heard of the 40 days for Life organization? My son's Godparents are really involved with this wonderful organization that sets up prayer vigils outside abortion clinics and Planned Parenthoods. By God's grace they witnessed 2 young girls not go through with their initial decision of abortion. I believe they told Mark & Laura about the organization so they could get the word out at their church.
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