Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Don't Laugh At My Bible

Last Sunday, while in Sunday school, something funny happened to me and I thought I would share it with you. We were discussing the inspiration of Scripture.

Then a friend, Teri, made a comment to the class, "Isn't it amazing how you can read one verse over and over but then it really stands out right when you need it."

I added, "Yeah, like this verse hit me, 2 Tim 3:15. The part that says, "wise for salvation"--I have had it underlined in my bible for years but it really hit me today--"wise for salvation"--Wow."

Then Teri's husband (Dennis) leans over and whispers to me while looking at my bible, "Trish, it looks like you have every verse underlined." We laughed! (Note: the photos are of my actual bible)


Mark Sohmer said...

Warning, the following is sarcasm...

<sarcasm>I'm very concerned about Trish! I mean, look at verse 15 in her Bible. She has not underlined "are able to make you" and "through faith which is in Christ Jesus."

Trish, don't you believe that God is able to make you into something?

Also, why are you against faith which is in Christ Jesus???

Shouldn't those things be underlined too?

And what's with the circling versus underlining? And then some things are put in a square or rectangle. Other things are highlighted red or pink. Hmmm... what does that say about Trish's Theology??? ;) </sarcasm>

The Bad Dad said...

I was going to make some odd remarks to sound cute, but forgive me. Your bible is actually a very good looking bible. Mine is not quite that marked, yet, but the other one is pretty close. It might be an interesting project if there were pics of different bibles like yours and mine. We might see different study techniques. Could be fun and informative. My mom is 80 years old and parts of her bible is marked like yours. My wifes grandmother's bible had duct tape on the binder. Keep up the cool stuff you do. You and the Way Master guys have inspired me.

Greg H said...

I'm only laughing at the photo, cause my Bible looks like that too.

Dawg said...

Trish -

I just wanted to make a quick comment about the video with the Catholic priest...

I'll be honest with you, I was in tears by the end of that video with my mouth hanging wide open. I could'nt believe what I was hearing...

We so much work to do and witnessing to get done...

I'm going to show that video to my WOTM training course that I'm leading at church to show them the reality of what's being said and taught in out there.


Sunshine said...

LOL> Trish that looks like mine! Some even bleed into the right side edging, but i dont know where they connect until the correct page is open, to follow the notes from the page to the edges of other pages.

I have been using that one for 7 years now and I have accumulated so many notes, I would be devistated if something happened to it. I need to start fresh with a new one now. I dont want to lose mine or have something happen to it. I plan to scan it into my computer or type notes up from it in case anything ever happens to it.

My pastor friend put his [well documented notes] Bible (from during masters seminary training -and years of preaching) on top of his car after service one day and took off without putting it in the car. No one ever returned it. We were all so bummed for him. really bummed. His contact information was clearly inside it but someone must have realised they had a gold mine in that bible and so they didnt return it but instead are studying it. Perhaps someone who said "Lord if you send me a bible that will explain things to me... I will believe in Jesus and study the bible" perhaps that person's prayer is answered.

Our pastor friend is now back in his home country of Ireland seeking a pastoral position, and he came all the way to America, and through some training, just to be used by God to place his hard work into someone else's hands. Isn that the job of a pastor anyway? To teach the word of God to people and shepherd them. Well whoever got this bible sure has an added treasure of information inside it.

A Bible that isnt torn and worn with writing in it, is a sign of someone who is not in God's word and being led by it.

Fish With Trish said...

the bad dad, I have another bible that is not marked up at all. I might take a photo of that one. There is not one mark (lots of self-control on my part) :-)

WayneDawg I know I was really burdened by this encounter. You might be interested to know that because of this encounter it looks like a two on two formal debate might take place this year. Evangelicals vs Catholics on the authority of Scripture--should be good.

Vangyblue, Thanks for sharing-glad you read this blog!

Thank you all for posting your comments and interacting I always enjoy reading what you have to say.

Dawn said...

Hmmm.. my Bible is underlined somewhat, but not that much, it would drive me nuts! I'd be distracted by all the scribbles. I also have a question: My husband just bought me a new Bible ( my old one's pages are coming out) but I am having trouble wanting to use it, because my underlines aren't in there! Do I go through and transfer the marks, or just start over? I guess I just like knowing exactly where to find stuff on the page in my old Bible. What do others of you do?

Fish With Trish said...

Hi Dawn, my husband bought me a new compact ESV bible and it's really nice but I just can't seem to read it as much as my other bible you know-the marked up one. I have had it for almost two years and not one mark. :-) I still call it "new" because I have practiced much self-control and have not written in it.

Anonymous said...

oh wow Trish! I've been not writing in my bible at all but carrying around an additional notebook with my bible (which is a pain) I think you just solved my problem for me! I think I'm gonna draw on my bible! (seems to naughty to me still but I'm in)

Unknown said...

Looking at your Bible, I feel so envious and guilty all at the same time! I mean, I KNOW I don't study the Word THAT well! Seriously, it's great seeing someone actually USING their Bible for the means intended, instead of just letting it gather dust somewhere. God Bless you abundantly!