Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Killed in an Instant

I just got an email that a woman was just killed in front of the bagel shop on Bellflower Blvd in California, right next to The Way of the Master headquarters. She was on her Moped and the car in front of her slowed to turn into the bagel shop, the car behind her didn’t see her, and hit from behind. Please pray for her loved one’s and that this will cause salvation to be gained by all those affected. It just reminds me that 150,000 people die every 24 hours and that anyone of us can become a part of that statistic on any given day. My plan for this afternoon/evening while I run errands is to pass out tracts to different people that I may run into and see what happens. I have so much joy in sharing my faith and like Paul I will say, “Woe is me if I do not preach the gospel!” Now let’s go share our faith while there is still time!

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