Monday, July 26, 2010

Cast your vote! Tell me which header you prefer...

The difference is very slight between the headers. I'd like to know where you think the wording "Evangelism Resources and More" should go. Simply leave a comment on my blog and indicate which header you like. To make the header larger, click on each one. In the day's to come, Lord willing, I will be opening up an online store on with resources (more to be announced).

Header 1 Header 2
Header 3

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Standing for the Truth in a Baptist Circle...

Michelle is a student at Dallas Baptist University. Her parents attend Sovereign Joy Community Church. Periodically Michelle drops in for a service and I get to chat with her. She is a hard working student who has a passion to see God glorified in everything she does. This past week, Michelle told me about two desturbing posts in the forum section of The Baptist Standard (The Texas Baptist News Journal). She responded by writing a letter. I thank God that this young woman is standing for truth. I am posting her letter in hopes to encourage other young people to stand up for righteousness and say something when you see truth being maligned. Good work Michelle!

A word from Michelle to the Fish With Trish Blog Readers:

I wrote this letter in response to a few opinions that were stated by the readers of The Baptist Standard. In essence, these readers were upset with the BGCT for excommunicating Royal Lane Baptist Church because the church was allowing practicing homosexuals to be members and serve in leadership positions. They argued that homosexuals can be Christians too and we should follow our Savior’s example by having an all-inclusive love. (If you’d like to read for yourself exactly what was said, click here. The two I responded to were "As Inclusive as Jesus" and "Unanswered Questions") The letters greatly offended me because of just how untrue they were! They were misrepresenting the nature and justice of God! So I decided that I would write my own letter, praying that whatever truth it revealed would be a witness to these misguided professing Christians. Here's the letter:

“Churches today get so hung up on coming across as narrow-minded. The bottom line is a Christian cannot live a life of unrepentant sin, no matter what the sin is, because that proves him or her to be a false convert. The Bible is overwhelmingly clear on the issue of homosexuality. It is wicked. (1 Cor. 6:9-10) Certainly Christ is inclusive in that He doesn't turn any sinner away. However, the sinners surrounding Christ are repentant and called to live holy lives. (Lev. 19:2) Every single Christian sins daily; none of us are better than another. The difference, though, between a true heaven-bound Christian and one who is not is the attitude of repentance, knowing each sin grieves the Holy Spirit and must be conquered; the heart has changed and we no longer desire those things which are against God. (Rom. 7:14-25) Yes, you can be a Christian, loved so much by the Father, and struggle with homosexuality. It is a sin like any other. Yet, we MUST understand that you cannot be a Christian while knowingly living in and sanctioning sin, including homosexuality, in your life. We are to flee immorality! We are to glorify God with our bodies! (1 Cor. 6:18-20) Christ did not die so that we can do as we please knowing we have some sort of "blanket-forgiveness." (Rom. 6) It's not about how much the Church loves homosexuals. It is about how much the Church loves our just and holy God and desires to see Him honored and glorified.”

Michelle B.
Student, Dallas Baptist University